Mapping the UN Sustainable Development Goals at Duke
Spring 2021 - Spring 2021
Affiliated course: ENV245/SUSTAIN245, Sustainability in Theory and Practice
Our project team's goal was to help map Duke University's ongoing initiatives and organizations to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), research other institutions' policies concerning the SDGs, and provide recommendations that could help Duke implement the SDGs in its operations in the future as effectively as possible. This research was conducted primarily through analysis of sustainability reports, staff interviews, and student awareness surveys. Key findings include that Duke currently addresses all 17 SDGs, but that some are more frequently represented than others. Additional conclusions related to practices at other universities and student awareness of SDGs at Duke were presented to clients.
Students: Jerry Fu, Chaoyi (Troy) Zha, Tiffany Yen, Elena Waechter, Queena Zhong, Meera Chakrabarti
Instructors: Charlotte Clark, Tavey Capps
Client: Sustainable Duke
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