
Duke Forest Citizen Science Program


Fall 2017 - Fall 2017


Amphibians and reptiles, collectively known as herpetofauna, are increasingly important today considering their populations are key indicators of the effects of climate change on wildlife. By collecting data at identified sites over time, Duke Forest staff can learn more about the herpetofauna that currently exist and learn how to better manage the forest so that they thrive. Unfortunately, the Duke Forest staff is not large enough to collect the kind of comprehensive data necessary to make a difference.

This is where citizen science comes in! Generally, citizen science is research conducted by volunteers to gather information for a scientific database. Indeed, this project aims to harness the power of volunteers to create a useful set of data that Duke Forest can use to better manage and understand herpetofauna populations in the future. This citizen science program will train volunteers to monitor the numbers of amphibians and reptiles at specific sites in the forest.

Location: Duke Forest



Elizabeth Allen, Andrea Kolarova, Krista Stark, Tatiana Tian


Charlotte Clark, Tavey Capps


Duke Forest, Nicholas School of the Environment

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