
Analysis of Carbon Offsets from Duke Forest


Fall 2010 - Spring 2011


Duke University is dedicated to achieving climate neutrality by 2024. With over 7,000 acres of sustainably managed forest land, the Duke Forest has great potential for generating “in house” carbon offsets to help reach this goal. In this project we quantified the carbon represented in Duke’s forest holdings and analyzed the potential for generating emissions-reducing offsets based on Climate Action Reserve (CAR) and American Carbon Registry (ACR) protocols. Throughout the process we focused on three varieties of forest offsets: Avoided Conversion, Improved Forest Management, and Afforestation/Reforestation, comparing the relative advantages and disadvantages of each under CAR and ACR carbon accounting systems. After completing these carbon calculations we conducted a financial analysis of results and made recommendations to the Duke Carbon Offsets Initiative concerning how they might apply these forests offsets towards the University’s carbon neutrality goal.

Location: Duke Forest



Eric Downing, Erin Fulton, Joshua Strauss


Daniel Richter, Jennifer Swenson


Duke Forest, Duke Carbon Offsets Initiative, Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions

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