Increasing East Campus Dorm Sustainability Programming
Spring 2024
Affiliated course: ENV245/SUSTAIN245, Sustainability in Theory and Practice
Summary: A team of five students worked with Faculty in Residence at Blackwell and Randolph residence halls to identify the residents' awareness of sustainability programming. The team interviewed students as well as professors Len White and Sandra Valnes Quammen (Duke Faculty in Residence), and Sophia Masciarelli (Duke Sustainability Engagement Coordinator). Additionally, the student team conducted a survey and identified the necessity of improving sustainability programming and advertisements for first-year students.

Goal: Determine what types of sustainability programming could be implemented by Faculty in Residence to effectively engage first-year students living in Blackwell and Randolph residence halls, to shift student behaviors, knowledge and attitudes toward more sustainable ones.
Experience and Learning Outcomes: A team of five students worked on the project for the full semester. Through interviewing experts and students as well as conducting a survey, the team aimed to understand survey respondents' awareness of sustainability events and what aspects of sustainability programming were successful or not. For the survey, the team asked: 'Do you know of any events targeted at sustainability hosted by your dormitory this year?' They received 40 responses, with 65% of respondents saying: 'No, I haven't heard of anything but I would love to have more sustainability focused events.'

Recommendations: The student team recommends improving advertising for sustainability-focused events in residence halls through various channels, including flyer distribution, email and GroupMe blasts, and reaching out to House Councils and Residence Coordinators for further promotions. The team also suggests four potential programming ideas to increase sustainability awareness among students: 1) start a small garden on the East Campus; 2) organize a clothing or item swap for first-year students; 3) host a farmers market field trip coupled with a cooking workshop; and 4) offer a First-Year Sustainable Living House Course to further connect Faculty in Residence to the House/Quad Councils.
Students: Addie Renner, Jocelyn May, Sydney Fox, Yuliya Leberfarb, Alex Amini
Instructors: Charlotte Clark, course instructor (Nicholas School of the Environment); Lindsay Batchelor and Emily Bilcik, co-instructors (Sustainable Duke); Dima Zlenko, teaching assistant
Client: Sandra Valnes Quammen, Faculty in Residence and Senior Lecturer of Romance Studies (Trinity College or Arts and Sciences, Department of Roman Studies); Len White, Faculty in Residence and Associate Professor in Neurology (School of Medicine, Department of Neurology)