Climate & Sustainability is infused into all aspects of Duke's operational, educational, research, and engagement missions. Building from 2004's signing of the Environmental Policy to developing its first climate action plan in 2009 to the launch of the Climate Commitment in 2022, it is easy to see how Duke truly Bleeds Blue and Lives Green!

Climate Commitment

Fall 2022 marked the launch of Duke University’s Climate Commitment, which is a university-wide, impact-oriented initiative to address the climate crisis by creating sustainable and equitable solutions that place society on the path towards a resilient, flourishing, carbon-neutral world. The Climate Commitment builds upon the strong foundations of climate and sustainability efforts that have been infused throughout campus operations, academics, research, and engagement with the local community and other external entities. Starting in spring 2024, the Climate Commitment Advisory Council (CCAC) was formed and tasked with developing strategies and goals for each aspect of the commitment. To learn more about Duke's efforts, please visit the Climate Commitment page and review the 2023 Annual Report.

2024 Carbon Neutrality Commitment

In 2007, Duke University committed to being carbon neutral in 2024. This commitment led to the development of Duke's first Climate Action Plan in 2009. This plan provided recommendations to reduce emissions from energy used on campus and emissions from transportation-related activities (employee commuting, air travel, and Duke-owned vehicles). In 2019, Duke updated its Climate Action Plan to take advantage of new opportunities that weren't available in 2009. Duke University met its neutrality milestone in 2024. To learn more about Duke's efforts, please visit the Carbon Neutrality page.

Sustainability Strategic Plan

In 2011, the Camus Sustainability Committee expanded on the goals sets in the Climate Action Plan by developing the Sustainability Strategic Plan (SSP). The SSP assesses the baseline and develops targets for other elements of campus sustainability such as water, waste and recycling, food, procurement, and natural resources. To learn more about Duke's efforts, please visit the Sustainability Strategic Plan page.