photo of Durham's Farmers Market

Procurement Services Guidelines

Duke's Green Purchasing Program helps University purchasers and employees make environmentally responsible purchasing decisions to reduce negative effects on human health and the environment.

In July of 2004, Duke adopted a set of Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Guidelines to reduce our environmental impact in six strategic areas, including source reduction, forest conservation, recycled content, landscaping, energy & water, and toxics & pollution.

Duke Stores Guidelines

Duke Stores has developed a Green Purchasing policy.  Read more about Dukes Stores' sustainability commitments

Duke Stores has also played a role in the creation of the first living wage apparel factory and recently made Duke's graduation more sustainable through the use of gowns made of recycled plastic.

Fiscal Year 2019 - Updates

As Duke works to infuse sustainability into its supply chain in numerous ways, initiatives such as Procurement Services' Surplus and Supplier Diversity programs are gaining momentum. Between fiscal years 2018 and 2019, there has been the following progress:

  • 38% increase in the number of university and health system surplus property items donated to non-profit organizations
  • 12% increase in the number of university and health system surplus property items donated to Duke departments for departmental use
  • 20% increase in spend with minority- and woman-owned businesses
  • 18% increase in spend with veteran-owned businesses