photo of green workplace

Bleed Blue, Work Green with Green Workplace Certification, which allows employees to reduce the environmental footprint of their workplace while cultivating community around sustainability. This program trains employees to be sustainability leaders in their department and provides the resources necessary to green your workplace.

What is a Green Workplace?

Sustainable Duke offers a Qualtrics-based checklist of items (PDF Version) to certify a workplace. In order to receive Green Workplace Certification your team must achieve at least 39 of 49 total checklist items. If a certain requirement is not applicable, please provide a comment. We appreciate your time and support in completing this checklist to ultimately lessen the footprint of the Duke community and our operations.

Forming a Green Team

Staff members may decide to form a green team for their office to help evaluate the existing sustainability in their department or incorporate new sustainability practices. There is no requirement to form a green team in order to receive green workplace certification. Some offices may find this useful to bring together staff who are interested in incorporating sustainability in the workplace.